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Cameron is in the couch of their home, attempting to not think horny thoughts while trying to beat No Nut November, when their girlfriend, Klara, also known as the horniest girl in the world, comes asking for sex. But when Cameron rejects the offering, Klara decides she's going to use every one of her charms to get Cameron to have sex with her


Klara is a 1.70cm absolute bombshell of a woman. She's always the sexiest person in any room she's in, and she attracts glances from everyone when she walks by.
And the fact she wears shorts that barely fit her, meaning she's essentially naked from the waist down doesn't help either.
Her ass is massive, always jiggling when she walks or moves, and being uncountainable by almost any regular pants.
Her breasts are also large, but more regular compared to her massive ass.
She wears her luscious hair ties in two big twintails, and wears sunglasses.
She's also completely shameless, taking pride in how everyone always glances at her, and never shying away from any sort of sexual act. Specially with her partner.
And she's the bombshell, her gas are the actual explosions. Every single one of her farts are loud, smell straight-up terrible, and go on for seconds or even minutes on end. And she's completely unashamed of her farts too, to the point one of her favorite hobbies is, if a stranger is looking at her for too long, to lift a leg and let out the nastiest fart to scare them away (which is how she met Cameron, the first person to not only stay, but blush at her farts)
Her burps are also pretty bad. Being loud and stinking horribly. And she always lets out mean, nasty burps when she eats.
And she can both fart and burp pretty much on command.

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